Cuadrilla In Fracking Panic!!!

lancs-fracking-campaignersCuadrilla want to delay their planning hearing but our plans remain the same!!!


We will turn out on Wednesday 28th January in Preston to send a clear message that Lancashire and threatened communities from across the UK object to Cuadrilla’s fracking plans.


“We are shocked and surprised by this application (for a deferral). We have been arguing about the appropriate noise levels for months so they (Cuadrilla) should have known what the acceptable limits were. We think the hearings should go ahead as planned.”

“A deferral will throw a spanner in the works for our presentations. We have people coming from London and even France to present evidence to the hearings. People have had to take time off work and we even had a QC lined up. All the groups were geared up to go now.”

Barbara Richardson: Roseacre Awareness Group


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