Category Archives: Events

Josh Fox in the UK Next Week…

Academy Award nominated director Josh Fox, who brought us the award winning documentaries Gasland, Gasland 2 and The Sky is Pink has turned his attention to Climate Change and he is coming to the UK to screen his new documentary, “How to let go of the world and love the things climate can’t change”.

SCREENING EVENT-  FRIDAY 14TH OCTOBER, 9PM at the Odeon cinema,  Rigby Road.  There will be a Q&A with Josh following the  screening.

You can book your tickets from here:

Please share as widely as possible…

Check out the link below to see the full UK Tour schedule, venues include BLACKPOOL, MANCHESTER, LONDON, BASINGSTOKE, LIVERPOOL GLASGOW, EDINBURGH, LEEDS AND WREXHAM




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Uniting the roses against fracking!!


The Frack Free Lancashire Bus will be travelling to North Yorks County Council Offices in Northallerton on 20th May 2016. We are going to show support for the Yorkshire groups  who are opposing the development of the KM8 well in Ryedale. We are anticipating there will be great publicity.

battle bus
Our bus in full FFL livery!

If Councillors grant permission it would give Third Energy the opportunity to carry out the first fracking operations since 2011.

If you would like to reserve a place on the bus please email: ASAP

We are suggesting a donation of a minimum of £5pp, which will help to contribute towards the cost of the bus.

First pick up point at:
Maple Farm Nurseries situated on Preston New Rd between Lotus Drive and Moss House Lane, Post code PR4 3PE. It has large anti fracking signs displayed. Bus will arrive at 05.50 and leave at 06.00. All day parking available.

Second pick up point at:
The side of Preston Train Station, Post code PR1 8AP. Arrive 06.30 and leave at 06.40. All day parking available in the station car park.

Then straight through to North Yorks County Council in Northallerton, 20 min break on the way, time allowing.

Depart for return journey at 14.00 reverse route.

We’ll have a great day out…don’t forget the picnic!!

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Lancashire Screening of Groundswell Rising

Tuesday 8th March, 19.00 – 21.30

Ribby Hall,
Wrea Green,
near Kirkham.

Mark Lichty. Executive Producer is kindly visiting from America to help with Q&A’s about the film and content!

We do have limited places so please book early here!…

• Further information about Groundswell Rising can be found at &

• Compendium Of Scientific, Medical, And Media Findings Demonstrating Risks And Harms Of Fracking (Unconventional Gas And Oil Extraction)

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Defend Lancashire National Demo – 9th Feb 2016


Join us on the first day of the Planning Appeal to show your support for Lancashire’s decision to Reject Fracking

Full Event Details:

Download A3 posters:

We need your help to keep Lancashire Frack Free!

Do you remember Lancashire’s amazing victory in June, where we saw off fracking company Cuadrilla? Well now this victory is at risk and we need your help. Cuadrilla has ‘appealed’ against Lancashire’s decision to reject fracking. This means a public inquiry, held at Blackpool FC football stadium, will start on Tuesday 9 February and will run for approximately 20 days over 4 weeks. This will hear evidence on whether Lancashire County Council’s decision should be upheld or overturned by politicians in Westminster. We will be protesting outside to defend Lancashire’s decision and supporting the witnesses inside who will be registering their opposition to the application.

By Car:- Blackpool Football Club, Seasiders Way, BLACKPOOL FY1 6JJ,
There is a large pay and display car park immediately opposite the entrance to the venue.

Map:- here…….


Big Red Bus

Book your seat on the BIG RED BUS from Preston Railway Station to the venue

There will be a red double decker bus leaving Preston Railway station at 8.15am on the 9th Feb to take people to the National Anti Fracking Demo at Blackpool Football Club.

The bus will be returning to Preston from the demo, departing at 12pm.

If you would like to attend the demo you can book your seat here…….


Activities for the day 9th February – All Welcome!

  • 9am arrive and support witnesses inside the inquiry who are defending Lancashire’s decision.
  • 9.30 onwards hear from speakers
  • 11am take part in our creative photo-op to demonstrate Lancashire’s opposition to fracking

If Cuadrilla are allowed to frack in Lancashire the rest of the UK is put at even greater risk. The fracking industry need thousands of wells over hundreds of square miles to make a profit.

Community resistance is beating the fracking industry in the UK and solidarity between threatened communities is a vital part of the anti-fracking movement’s success.

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“Through Our Eyes” Photo Exhibition – 9th Feb Blackpool

frack_free_lancashire_3Coinciding with the first day of the public appeal “Through Our Eyes” is a photovoice exhibition that shows what it means to live under the threat of fracking.

Exhibition organiser Dr Ania Szolucha, an anthropologist from the University of Bergen in Norway said: “The idea for the exhibition came from an ongoing research project that explores the social impacts of shale gas developments in Lancashire. The exhibition itself, however, is only possible thanks to a collective effort from many people.

The exhibition shows that even before fracking commences, it has very profound impact on the local communities and there is no better way of showing this impact than by using people’s own words and images.”

The exhibition takes place from 11.30am onwards on Tuesday 9th February 2016,

Excelsior Hotel, 177/181 Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY1 6EU – Admission is FREE.

Map here…….

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Will Westminster Force Fracking on Lancashire? Public Meeting – 4th Feb Preston Minster

Is Westminster Planning to Force Fracking on lancashire

4th February Is Westminster planning to force fracking on Lancashire?

Where -Preston Minster, Church Street, PR1 3BT Preston, Lancashire                 Show Map

When – 4 February – 19:00–21:00Please join us at a public meeting to find out more about fracking, the risks, and how to stop it being forced on communities in Lancashire.

In June, Lancashire won an amazing victory, when LCC Planning Committee refused 2 major planning applications made by, Cuadrilla, the shale gas company who caused 2 earthquakes in Lancashire in 2011..

But now this victory is at risk. Cuadrilla has ‘appealed’ against Lancashire’s decision to reject fracking.

This means a public hearing, starting February 9th, will hear evidence on whether Lancashire’s decision should be upheld or overturned by politicians in Westminster.

Come to this public meeting to find out more about how to keep Lancashire frack free.

Lancashire has rejected fracking already – and now we need to stop Westminster’s interference in our local democracy.


Asad Rehman, Friends of the Earth.
Steven Holgate, County Councillor in Lancashire.
Residents of Preston New Road and Roseacre, the two areas threatened with fracking.


More info here…….

How else can you get involved?

Join us on a peaceful protest outside Blackpool FC Stadium on Tuesday, 9th February to defend Lancashire’s decision and support the witnesses inside who will be registering their opposition to fracking

Find out more at here…….

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Gathering On The Green 4 – 11th July


The fantastic work of residents, communities, local, national and international groups has meant that “fracking” has stayed in the news and out of the Fylde!

Despite the wealth and power of those behind this dangerous industry, the opposition to it grows more informed and numerous.

We need to shout it loud and clear that we do not accept this threat to our communities. To do that, we need to gather ourselves together and show that we are united on THIS ISSUE.

This gathering is for residents, friends, families, businesses and anyone who feel that the shale gas industry comes with too many risks. A day for picnics, conversation, information and a show of numbers that makes our position clear and says… we will not be bought-off.

More info… Please invite everyone to the event…

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Stand With Lancashire – 29th June


Don’t Frack Lancs

Monday 29th June

 Demo Preston!

All Welcome – Event Details Here

9am County Hall, Preston



The proposed site at Preston New Road

Lancashire is still under threat from Cuadrilla’s second fracking application at Preston New Road

LATEST NEWS – Council blocks residents from presenting “valid reasons” for refusing Preston New Road fracking application.

Residents release legal opinion contradicting council advice on Lancashire fracking plan.

Read more about the proceedings so far and how councillors have been prevented from blocking the PNR proposal…

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Information Day & Talk – 3rd March

IMG_9946There has never been a more urgent time to get informed about the realities of hydraulic fracturing and the possible consequences here on the Fylde.

On April 30th Lancashire County Council will finally determine whether to approve or reject Cuadrillas applications to drill and frack for shale gas on the Fylde. Their decision will affect us all for generations to come. With a growing body of evidence from the USA, Australia and Canada, documenting the detrimental effects of this process on the environment, communities and human health, the people of Lancashire are in danger of being the first to find out the worst truths of fracking in the UK.

Fleetwood Folk Say No Fracking and The Lancashire Nanas invite you to an information day followed by a public talk in the evening. Full event details here…

Come along to find out more about: the effects of Fracking on human health, the economics of Fracking and what we as communities can do about it.

Now is the time to put even more pressure on Cuadrilla and oppose their fracking plans at Preston New Road and Roseacre.

Contact your Local Group now!

Register your Objection now!

For updates and events follow us on Social Media ->>>

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