Cuadrilla Resources have another planning application before Lancashire County Councils Planning Committee. They have applied for a three year extension to planning at their Grange Road Site in Singleton.
Cuadrilla want to “retain the existing site compound and access track, install seismic and pressure monitors within the existing well, undertake seismic and pressure monitoring”.
The application LCC/2014/0084 dates back to the 19th May 2014 and it’s consideration has been delayed considerably due to haggling over the mitigation of ecological issues. Natural England have now withdrawn their objection, viewing the application in isolation (ignoring the impacts of fracking in the US & Canada) and trusting Cuadrilla to adhere to their plans. Cuadrilla withdrew their application to frack at the site in November 2014, submitting plans to frack at Roseacre & Preston New Road instead.
Although on the surface this application for testing! may appear benign, Cuadrilla’s intentions are not. They hope to retain the site, reinforce the precedent for industrial activity on the site and apply to frack the well at a later stage! It is only due to the vigilance, resourcefulness, commitment and public-spirited people of the Fylde, Lancashire and Britain that we have been able to hold back the tide of drilling rigs over our landscape.
It is important that we continue to use all our efforts to fight every one of Cuadrilla’s applications.
Register your Objection now!
Object on grounds of:
- Insufficient information with regards to the processes involved
- Lack of proper ecological assessments; Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Habitat Impact Assessment (HIA), Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA), Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA)
Ask questions about:
- The implications and impact for this application of Cuadrilla’s proposed fracking activities at the Roseacre & Preston New Road sites