Fylde Threat – Frack Waste & Traffic


Coming to a road near you?

Cuadrilla have not disclosed where all of their Frack Waste will go but have proposed a number of routes that their vehicles will take. If you live near; Roseacre, Wharles, Inskip, Catforth, Woodplumpton or Broughton. Salwick, Lea Town or Clifton. Kirkham or Wesham, these trucks could be heading your way!!! Wyre and Preston North MP Ben Wallace has already formally objected to a new transportation route via Broughton.

Huge volumes of Frack Waste!

Fracking creates huge volumes of liquid and solid waste which in turn create intense HGV traffic. Cuadrilla Resources have delayed their Preston New Road & Roseacre planning applications in a desperate attempt to reduce their headline waste, traffic and noise impacts.

  • Radioactive Liquid Waste – 26 million gallons

  • Hazardous Solid Waste – 7,000 tonnes

  • Vehicle Movements – 40,000

Cuadrilla’s plan to drill 8 appraisal wells on two sites in the Fylde would be dwarfed by the 100’s of sites and 1,000’s of wells required for full production in the North West.

Where will the waste go?

If you live en route to an industrial waste water processing site, landfill or toxic waste dump in the North West this waste could be heading your way!!!



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